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A bible verse When the Spirit of God is ruling us, all people will rejoice

The bible verse for today is [ Matthew 13 verse 11] And He replied to them " To you, it has been given to know the secrets and mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them, it has not given". Jesus is speaking here, to his followers.

When the righteous are in rule the people will rejoice said,the Bible

In the book of Ecclesiastics, 10 verse 5 of the BibleGOd said "When the righteous are in rule the people will rejoice.

You can only walk as the righteous if you are born again and the spirit of the Lord Jesus is guiding you daily and you follow him.

God said {If I see that much Righteous in the place I will not destroy it}

Jesus is the only leader we know, who did not hate or kill or fight or fight wars, that are now destroying thousands of people's lives daily.

but rather he raised people who are going to be buried, from dead to living, those inside the grave, or those already buried, because this is why he came to give abundant life, to swallow up Satan's death in man up John 10 verse 10. God does not want people to die but to live under a new heaven and Earth now. The book of Revelation of the Bible, If we can get enough people saved, and the majority can believe in Jesus then the end will come, and our eyes will be open to seeing clearly, again as God created Man to see things.

Jesus said to go into the world and make disciples, of all nations so that the spirit working in us will be God's spirit again the bible said, not the spirit that now works in the Children of disobedient, the bible said, that is the spirit of Adam who was our father the spirit that disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden, that is now working, through man, to build his kingdom as hell on Earth.

When you are a believer in Jesus Christ the spirit of Jesus comes inside of you to be one with you. The word of Jesus now living in you will reveal all things to you when you want to listen. The light has come in you now and the darkness has to go, regardless of your, financial situation, you are assured of all things. Now you can see clearly that you are now new and in a position to own all you want in life because you now talking and walking with the living God if you choose to.

The God who created heaven and Earth to build the peace Garden of Eden God's Kingdom he created for mankind to live in, you now pray about things hearing God only not Mankind, you now see all things through how God the creator sees them to build his kingdom of life that Jesus brought on Earth as it is in heaven and this comes from studying the words of Jesus, and understand them.

If God was not the Holy Spirit in Jesus then he could not have raised the dead. The Bible said Jesus is the express image of God.

The way People are killing people and the Leaders of this world are killing People, through wars instead of praying and asking God what to do. God knows all things, now they believe they can Just use their money.

If God wants people dead, He can do it himself, God wants us to live and declare his glory now, have his spirit so he can change us and we can change the world back from the place, where Adam destroyed, the world we had and death came in, by listening to the Devil and doing what he says, now Jesus is here to bring you back to that place of thinking life. As you listen to him, he renews your thinking from all the junk you have been through. You are to listen to him. Jesus said, "the words that I speak to you are spirit and life." If you are still not walking with Jesus, you are still building the Devil's kingdom of death, which came in through the first Adam, is time to believe in the last Adam Jesus. Through one man's sin, we all became sinners now through the one man Jesus we can all become righteous, Just listen to Jesus daily to accomplish this. To do this, believe in Jesus and follow him daily, to build God's kingdom on earth of no more pain, no more sorrow, and no more people literally dying and being buried, all things are possible to those who can believe.

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