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Hear God from within you daily not the spirit of death that man received within him after we were separated from God in the Garden of Eden. When the first man died ( Adam), after God who can not lie told him, he will die if he eat the fruit of good and evil, we were all inside of him and we all were dead too with the spirit of death in us, no more the spirit of God and we were translated to this earth realm to where the Devil lives.

To be translated to the realm where God lives again to hear him daily like the first Adam did before he sinned, so we can all know God by walking with him daily again as Adam did before he ate the apple.

Get closer to God again as you were created to. Walk as Adam did with God again as you are created to, hear him daily, and name the animals again as God named them. That is let God be God again not the Devil. Let the spirit in you be Dod's again and let him rule through you as you live from the new heart you receive when you are born again, not the spirit of death, that man received, when God said," Adam if you eat this fruit of good and evil you will surely die" hear God and do things daily as God wants, not the good and evil spirit dominated by evil, tells you, the spirit in mankind before you are born again.

before they are brought back to God, by Jesus.

If you want this holy spirit of God in you, you have the choice in you to follow your creator again. If you want this spirit in you, find a Bible, open it to the book of Romans 10 verses 8,9,&10 of the bible, study it, and speak out what it says, you should, and live the same way, declaring and believing his promises and doing them as you see you are born again, when you declare Gods promise over you, as a born again, Christian you will see them in your life because you believe them and declared them, the bible said you shall decree the word of God and it shall be established.

You, believe and decreed the word of God, you became born again, is the same way you believe and declare his promises and are saved, the same way we receive.

the same way you prayed, believe you are born again, and became that.

you will receive a new spirit within you which is the purpose of Jesus coming, to die and to make his spirit available on this dead earth again to do away with the spirit of the Devil, who has deceived all men, and that is why we have all sinned and come short of the glory of God, that is the image of God we were made in, God wants that image restored. He has not changed his mind about the image of people he created to be his image. to occupy the earth's new realm of a new heaven and a new earth.

God who is a spirit poured himself into a physical body on earth where the Devil's spirit is ruling mankind so we can stop the Devil, Satan from ruling us, consequently ruling the world, this can not be done physically, but through listening to the spirit of God now in our heart as the Christian walks with the guidance of his spirit within in every situation, acknowledging him in all their way and he, directing them, not the way they feel directing them, but the word of God. The word of God, the judgment of God.

Only by walking with God again daily as he created us can we overcome the Devils lie's and deception of Mankind, which started in the garden of Eden.

Romans 12 verse 2 ( so we can understand God)

so we can now walk in his spirit, and inside of us, we can learn him, from the inside out. and walk in his spirit daily, by putting on Christ. daily, and totally summiting to God daily to use you, and be aware of his presence with you always, as you obey him..

Galatians 5 verse, 16 Romans 12 verse1

now you can walk in that spirit. If you have not received back God spirit through Jesus, do not trust your spirit, within you

Don't trust the spirit within you, to walk with him just do what is written in the Bible, and explained by Jesus Christ that is the one who came to save you from dead nature, Adam put into us all so that we all became sinners and the Bible now say's whoever say that, they have no sin is a lie, and we have all sinned and have now sinned and Jesus concluded we should all forgive one another as we learn Christ. We love one another that is we have no right to judge a Christian, we only love and live all other judgment to God, as we all learn Christ, who is the spirit of God, and how to think, like God's image again, as in Sodom and Gomorrah (God said if he sees 10 righteous he will not destroy the City, so it is now, read the end of Malachi to understand these

The old spirit is a spirit man received when Adam sinned, we all need the spirit Jesus brought into this world.

Please study with us at our bible colleges and bring up, your children with our teachings in the bible college and observe and teach your children things from my messages to bring the up. Register for our Holy Spirit Bible College.

To be closer to God

Psalm 91 verse 1

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty[whose power no foe can withstand]

When Jesus brings you close to God to be his child again by you believing in him and following him and doing daily what he says as you walk with God through believing in him

daily, you will now be doing right, as Adam did at first before the foundation of the earth.

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