Get your lower nature every day to submit to the nature of God.
Ephesians 5 verse 1 says we are to be imitators of God as dear children.
We only know God from his word.
His word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.
This ministry teaches the truth of God's word. The word of God became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld him as the only begotten son of God) the Bible said. That brings peace to you and to the world in general, Jesus the Prince of Peace. The Devil's job Jesus said, is to kill steal and destroy. Jesus came to replace the Devil, to give us a life of peace, and to help us know who we are.
Jesus has come, that we might have life and have it more abundantly, the life that Adam had before he died in the spirit, or before he was separated from God, and he did not know God anymore.
The Bible said after the separation he was now hiding from God, now people have been so deceived by the Devil, that they could not recognize God when he came in Jesus, speaking only truth, because they have lost the knowledge of who God the creator is.
Jesus brought back the knowledge of who God is, and who we are. Since Adam was made in God's image. The Devil is here to weaken the nations the Bible said. Jesus came to give us strength not to keep listening to the Devil, in our inner self.
He oppresses mankind. We are to be strong and of good courage. The Devil weakens, by saying to you "it is too hard to serve God." What is hard is not serving God, Jesus said the Devil is the father of lies.
The Bible also said "As a man thinks so is he", so the Devi makes people think it is easy to obey him, the Devil and deceive ourselves and others. The Devil is the deceiver, Jesus came to strengthen us in the inner man, the inner part of us, we can not see, to know who God is, so we can be quickened to do God's will, and walk in God's plan for mankind.
After Adam was deceived by the Snake or the Devil in the Snake, in the beginning, God told the Devil, in the garden of Eden, that, the seed of a woman, Who now is Jesus, the Son of Mary will crutch his head.
Jesus came in through the seed or egg of Mary who had no husband, but by faith in God's word spoken to her, by an angel from God, the creator of Heaven and Earth, with no man or husband interference in Jesu's birth, brings man freedom from the Devl lies to us, which had stopped, a man knowing the fullness of God.
The Bible said Adam use to walk and talk with God, now mankind has not been walking in the falling nature with the real God. Jesus came to connect us back to our real God and father.
Jesus Christ, our savior to the glory of God, had the fullness of the spirit of God the creator, which non of us had, we had the spirit of good and evil.
He sends HIS WORD< and he healed them and delivers them from destruction, {Jesus is the word in flesh}
God is spirit, where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom, and there is the liberty to defeat the Devil's lie, in the life of those who will choose to believe in Jesus and follow him.
Now as a believer in Jesus God has taken your sin away from you as far as east from the west and he remembers them no more, in the spirit you are now seated with God in heavenly places, here as a child of God, dead to this world alive to God, and Jesus said you will never die.
because you are a spirit, and in the spirit, you are already connected back to God and going to him when you finish your assignment here. to go into the world and tell them about Jesus, or it will be revealed to us that he has come already when the eyes of our understanding are enlightened by God to see this.
Paul the Apostle said . Some of us will be transformed. Not all will sleep, or die, at Jesus's coming, we are expecting this in the last days which we are in now Jesus coming, and if he trays we are to live long to declare his glory.
Psalm 91 and Psalm 23 is the reading for this written.
When you sin, the bible said Jesus is your advocate. God revealed to me through the scriptures, you can turn to God in Jesus' name and ask for forgiveness and ask God to help you to change, and he will help you.
This seed of a woman, the last Adam came to save us from being, destroyed now, and by grace have this new nature, of the manifestation of the son of God, which quickens your physical body and sou,l to understand God, his purpose and plan to save the world and us from the Devil, to have a new heaven and a new Earth. Revelation 21
As we walk in the words of Jesus or with Jesus, we are walking in the truth of who he is.
Jesus said he is the truth, Truth is a person. The person of Jesus is not religion upon tradition, this is about the truth of What is and what is to come.
" Jesus himself said, "I am the way the truth, and the life" no one comes to the father, except by me.
"God said if I see 10 righteous in the land he will not destroy it, we all know that if the majority is right the way they think and do things Jesus will be here by now. The majority will not have killed him, in the first place.
Walk by faith, with grace in your heart,
Jesus told his disciples, not the twelve, many people followed him, in the beginning, he told them the truth which you will only understand when you believe and walk with Jesus. ( Galatians 5 verse 16 (he said "Eat my flesh and drink my blood," and they all left him, If( you understand the bible or the word of God listen to the voice in your belly, seeing all things from the perspective of the written word of God, about Jesus and the inner man, as enlightened by the voice of God speaking to you as a Christian or the child of God in the flesh, with the spirit of God in you now that knows his voice, he said "my sheep know my voice another they will not follow. Jesus said he will divide the world, and people, into two. Those in his right hand will be the Sheep, those who listen to him and do what he says will be like a man who builds his house on a rock and no wind or storm can bring that house down and those people that don't listen to him and do what he says, will be, like those walking in darkness, leading people in darkness, and they all faa in the pit, and are the once that, they build on the sand when the wind and storm of life come, there is a great fall.
Jesus said it is more blessed to give than to receive. The ones on his left are like the goat who will not listen and stand on the grace of God and receive God's mercy and grace by turning to him in times of need. They are the ones who build on sand
Galatians 6 verse 6.
Study with our college and be born-again and fully know who you are and who God is today.[knowing who you are will help you, empowers you, to do what God will want you to do and be.
Jesus said they call me" Lord Lord " but do not do what I say. Is time to do what he says. The last thing he said is to go into the world and make disciples of all nations, then the end will come. Is time to stop all the hardship and build the kingdom of Peace here now as it is in heaven. God Bless You
When you give to this ministry and college we will carry this Good news of salvation, with every money you give to the end of the world
Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved.
God is spirit, he poured himself into a body and was born as a special Child full of God's spirit, Jesus full of the holy spirit.
As a Christian you can still be deceived, by your flesh, the soulish part of You we use in this world if we are not walking daily in the spirit following Jesus and doing what Jesu will do in every situation, not what you want to do, You have to die to what you want and do what Jesus will do in all situation (Your life is now his,it is no longer you who lives as Jesus died for you, you now live for him.
It is listening to the holy spirit daily { as God changes you, from glory to glory Romans12 verse 2} as by the spirit. Walk in the blessing always don't be a yo Christian.
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Ask to speak with Mercy In our one-to-one {Anonymous Counseling sections, and we will answer one to one, your questions. by the Holy Spirit.
We are Spirits
People's destination if their spirit is not yet aligned with God's Spirit in Jesus, the destination, of those who refuse Jesus. " Jesus said no one comes to the father apart from him, so if you are in him, he brings you back to the garden of Eden, the heaven God created for Mankind, before the sinful nature separated us from him, now with Jesus, you, can go back there, without Jesus, since you are a spirit stolen by the devil, will have to be with him in hell, fire. which is not a good place to be in.
The Bible said the whole creation is waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God.
Those who walk in peace, and have left all judgment to God, because the king of the world will judge correctly,
Holy Spirit Bible Colege
This Children and adults colleges on this website will teach you who you are to have the result you need.
Jesus said we are to teach the whole world what he has thought us, to observe, what he has
thought us. Behold he is with us always, as we do this, till the end of the age.
If you want to be part of God's plan, you can help us to carry what you have heard and seen us preach that can help others to be free from the lies and deceptions of Satan to the world, and take part in our blessings for doing this vital Job Jesus gave us all.
, by giving, on this website, to carry this message that has helped many, to the end of the earth as Jesus said so that this world will come to a new world. God Plan a new Heaven and a new earth, where people bit their weapons into plum shells; God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven, as Jesus wanted and he died for it. He came to save us now, from the Devil "the Bible said from this present world, "He came to save us from walking in darkness, the good and evil spirit to, walking in the light, with the Holy Spirit of Jesus and walking with him,( Galatians 5:16) to the glory of God, walking with God daily getting to know who we are, as God already know, us in the spirit who the manifestations of the sons of God are. spiritual, knowledge of God, and God's image.
Jesus said we should pray this way, "Let God's Will Be done on Earth as it is in heaven."
To be born again, please study, Romans 10 verses 8,9,&10 believe and do what it says, or believe God raised Jesus from the dead and confess Jesus as Lord to stop the Devil from his claim on you.
Since the fall in the Garden of Eden man is now having good and evil spirits instead of the good only spirit of the image of God they had, their eyes were open to seeing things in a confused way, not as the image of God. Jesus is the light of the world who came to remove darkness from us, this is seen( when he said we are the blind leading the blind and both falling in the pit and people are dying, for this or falling in the pit as Jesus said
Jesus said " unless you are born again you can not inherit the kingdom of God, that is this new way of living that brings riotousness peace, and joy, which is the kingdom of God.
Unless you are born again you can not think like Jesus and as a man thinks in his heart so is he. The Bible said we are transformed- in Romans 2 verse1. He also said, that those who listen to his word and does them, are like a man who, dig deep and build his house (life) on a rock, and the wind bite and waves bit on the house, and the house remained, but those who do not do the things Jesus thought, some written in the bible and brought to our remembrance by the fullness of the spirit of God that comes to live in us when we are in Jesus, if you do them, your work will not be unfruitful at the end.
JESUS SAID I AM THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE. No one gets to God anymore apart from Jesus. The Bible said the God that has spoken through Prophet, now speaks one way to us through the messiah, the one God sent as the anointed one, Jesus the only power that can redeem the world from Satan's deception, to follow the truth of the fullness of God. The Bible said Jesus had the fulness of God when he came to this world as a baby to save mankind from the continuous deception, which the Devil
started, from Adam.
Jesus is the light of the world in other to bring an end to the suffering of the world. We need to listen to Jesus who has the fullness of God in him, we are to imitate God the bible said. The only image of God we know is Jesus. Following Jesus' example of the way he lived a peaceful life, enables us to bring out the true manifestation of the sons of God in us, which, has been hidden from us by the darkness of the Devil.
when Adam sold mankind to him by obeying him, whoever you obey is your master the bible said, so Jesus called the Devil the prince of this world. Now Jesus is the Prince of Peace.
Jesus brought a new way to live for us, which is given by Grace through Faith. This life of God, which is the truth of God's word is what we preach and teach in our Adult and Childen Courses.